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Contact Us

Diane L. Kaiser, Esq.

Cheri A. Kaser, Paralegal/LLP


1499 W. 120th Ave., Ste. 110

Westminster, CO 80234



Phone: (303) 457-2700

Fax: (303) 457-2800



Or use our contact form

Office Hours

We can be reached during the following hours:

Mon-Thurs: 8:30am - 4:30pm


Tiers of Representation

Here you will find information about our Initial Consultation, and an overview of the three (3) tiers of client representation that we offer.

Initial Consultation

We offer a ½-hr. Initial Consultation for $35.00, which is waived if the firm is retained to provide legal services.  


Full Representation

With full representation, we manage and handle all aspects of the client’s case, including but not limited to providing legal advice concerning all matters; calendaring and meeting all deadlines; preparing all pleadings; preparation of Mandatory Disclosures; propounding and responding to Discovery Requests; communicating with Opposing Counsel (or the other party, if s/he is not represented by an attorney); communicating with the court; appearing at all court appearances that may be necessary (Initial Status Conference, Temporary Orders and/or Permanent Orders); participating in ADR/Mediation; attempting to resolve the case without the necessity of going to court; preparing the case for trial if settlement is not achieved; advocating zealously in court, if a hearing or trial becomes necessary; and all other aspects of the case.  With Full Representation, the client and attorney sign a Legal Services Contract which provides for Full Representation and which fully sets forth the respective duties and expectations of both the attorney and the client. This is a full level of service, in which the attorney manages all aspects of the case.


Limited Representation

In the current economy, people with moderate incomes often cannot afford lawyers to fully represent them with their case, but do need legal assistance.  Further, there are many tasks that a client can do on his/her own, such as filling out simple court forms; attending their Initial Status Conference; and perhaps even going to mediation by themselves.  Therefore, for clients who either do not wish to have, or who cannot afford Full Representation, we offer a "Limited Representation" alternative, which includes:

  • discussion and agreement concerning specific legal services at an agreed upon hourly rate, but the firm does not oversee or manage the case, and the attorney will not enter the case as the "attorney of record";
  • instructions to the client concerning the applicable deadlines and procedures concerning their case, understanding that the client (and not the attorney) will be responsible for following same;
  • the signing of a Limited Legal Services Contract, setting forth the exact services to be provided, along with the hourly rate for same;
  • the client and attorney jointly deciding each task to be handled by the firm, with the client taking responsibility for overseeing, managing and handling all other aspects of his/her case.

This is a medium level of legal services, where the client handles his/her own case, but the attorney takes a more active role (including providing direction to the client concerning deadlines and tasks that are required by the court for his/her case).


Unbundled Legal Services

For clients who wish to fully manage their own case, but who may need a specific task done from time to time (such as the preparation of the Petition for Dissolution, the Sworn Financial Statement, a Separation Agreement, Mandatory Disclosures, or some other pleading), or for clients who may wish to consult with the attorney or paralegal concerning a particular task (such as how to do their Mandatory Disclosures; how to prepare for an upcoming hearing; etc.), or clients who may wish to have an attorney accompany them to Mediation, we also offer "Unbundled Legal Services", which includes:

  • the signing of an Unbundled Legal Services Contract, which sets forth the specific task(s) to be performed and the cost for same;
  • an understanding that the client is fully responsible for managing his/her case, including knowing the deadlines and procedures of the court, in compliance with the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure;
  • an understanding that the attorney only performs limited tasks at the client's specific direction (which may or may not include the attorney being a "consultant");
  • an understanding that the attorney does not enter the case as the "attorney of record" and does not directly communicate with the court or the other side of the case – rather, the client acts as his/her own attorney, and for all intents and purposes, represents him/herself; and
  • an overall understanding that the Unbundled Legal Services client is solely responsible for filing all appropriate and required pleadings in the case; for knowing and meeting all court deadlines, for complying with all procedural rules and regulations; for responding to all Discovery Requests; for communicating with the court and other side of the case; for the general management and oversight of the case; and for appearing in court if the case does not settle prior to the court date.


If, as the case progresses, such self-representation becomes overwhelming, the client may elect to move from either Unbundled or Limited Representation, to Full Representation, in which case a Retainer will be required and a Full Representation Legal Services Contract will be signed.  It is possible that some clients are able to perform many of the simple tasks associated with their case (such as preparing simple forms, gathering their Mandatory Disclosure documents, appearing at their Initial Status Conference, etc.), and those clients may prefer an "unbundled" approach, at least initially, to save attorney fees.  Again, if the client finds that s/he is unable (or unwilling) to continue to deal with the court system, or if the other party has or gets an attorney, then the client can elect to move to Full Representation.


The pros and cons of the various levels of representation will be fully discussed at the Initial Consultation, so that the client can make an informed decision concerning the appropriate level of representation, given the complexity of the case; the amount of time and effort that may be required on the part of the client; and the financial resources available to the client for legal services.

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© Diane L. Kaiser, Esq.